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Snowline Engineering/Aerospace delivers a complete range of precision manufacturing services backed by the industry’s most thorough quality assurance processes. As an AS9100D/ISO 9001:2015 certified American manufacturer, maintaining utter consistency throughout production is of the utmost importance within our enterprise.

Below is an overview of our advanced quality control system which helps ensure all of our products are engineered with the utmost in precision.

Supplier Quality Requirements F-840-2

Manufacturing Quality Control & Production Solutions
1. Scope

This specification establishes the requirements for “Suppliers” (defined as vendors providing products and/or services to Snowline Engineering/Snowline Aerospace Inc. (Snowline). These requirements pertain to the tasks necessary to substantiate product conformance to drawings, specifications, contract and Purchase Order requirements. These requirements are in addition to those tasks set forth in any other contractual document.

2. Applicability

This specification shall apply to all supplies and services when added to the item specification, contract or Purchase Order. In relation to other contract requirements of this specification shall be satisfied in addition to all detail requirements contained in any other portion of the contract or Purchase order.

In the event that the Supplier is required to outsource services in order to fulfill the requirements of the Purchase Order, Snowline must first be notified by the Supplier of this need to perform to the requirements of the Purchase Order. This notification must happen prior to commencement of the work. In addition, all requirements that are pertinent and binding with regard to the Purchase Order, shall be flowed down and imposed in full upon the sub-tier Supplier. Finally, as required, only those Sub-tier Suppliers of materials and/or processes, approved by Snowline’s shall be used to perform on the contract.

The Supplier is responsible for furnishing product which meets all the requirements of the contract or the Purchase Order including approved product, procedures, processes, equipment, and qualified personnel. Should any inconsistency occur between this specification and any other contractual document, the Supplier shall be responsible to bring the inconsistency to the attention of the Snowline purchasing department for resolution.

Contact Information
Local: 530-677-2675
Toll Free: 1-800-361-6083
Fax: 530-677-9832
3. Clauses

A. Quality System

Supplier shall maintain a quality system compliant with ISO/EN 9001-2015, AS/EN9100 or equivalent industry-recognized quality system or standard acceptable to Snowline. Supplier’s quality system shall be approved by Snowline Quality Department through either On-site Supplier Quality Audit or Supplier Quality Questionnaire Desk Audit.

B. Prohibited Practices

Unauthorized Repairs: Without Snowline’s approval, Supplier may not repair, by any means, parts damaged or found to be faulty during fabrication/processing. Report all discrepancies found. Notification of Facility Change: Supplier shall not re-locate any production, manufacturing and/or processing facility during the performance of this Purchase Order, without promptly notifying Snowline and affording Snowline opportunity to examine such facilities for compliance with QA requirements.

Process Changes: Any change including, personnel, equipment, tooling, material, etc., subsequent to start of production, the Supplier is responsible for notifying Snowline and receiving Snowline’s written approval.

C. Right of Entry

Supplier shall afford Snowline or Snowline’s Customer Representative right to verify, at the Supplier’s premises, that contract product conforms with specified requirements. The Government has the right to inspect any and all of the work included in the Purchase order at the Supplier’s facility.

D. Record Retention

Supplier shall maintain objective evidence of conformance to all requirements on file for a minimum of seven (7) years or as specified by the Purchase Order.

E. Non-Conforming Product

If Supplier Identifies a non-conforming condition which impacts product or that has already been delivered to Snowline, the supplier will notify Snowline in writing by the end of the business day in which the non-conformance was identified if possible but no later than 1 business day. If material does NOT meet one of the following exceptions:

  1. Parts can be removed and replaced.
  2. Parts can be reworked to eliminate nonconformance. (to original blueprint requirements.)

Requests for any departures from drawings, specifications, or other purchase order requirements must be submitted for consideration by Snowline Engineering in writing. Non-conforming material may NOT be shipped to Snowline Engineering without written approval.

F. Use As Is

No “Use as is” (UAI) or “Repair” dispositions are allowed without written authorization from Snowline. Contact Snowline’s Quality Department for instructions.

G. Counterfeit Control

All suppliers must have a process/program in place to prevent counterfeit product; See Clause A Quality Note-4E for further detail.

H. Business Ethics and Product Safety

All suppliers must communicate to their employees their impact on product quality and safety, and ethical business practices.

I. Sub-Tier Suppliers

Suppliers shall flow down to sub-tier suppliers applicable requirements in the purchasing documents, including key characteristics.

J. Corrective Action Requests

When a quality problem is encountered with items from Supplier, Snowline may request written Corrective Action Request response from Supplier. Such requests require a timely response (per Corrective Action Requirements). Replies or requests for extension of due dates shall be directed to the Snowline Quality Department.

The below quality clauses are applicable if identified specifically on the face of the purchase order.

Quality Note-1 Supplier Certificate of Conformance:

In addition to meeting the general Scope requirements, Supplier shall furnish a legible Certificate of Conformance (COC) with a statement attesting that the product complies with drawings and/or specifications imposed by the Purchase Order or contract. The COC shall state that “substantiation evidence is on file and available on request.”

In addition, the COC must specify the following:

  • Part Number and Revision Level
  • Serial Number (if applicable)
  • Quantity
  • Snowline Purchase Order Number and Line Item

The COC shall be attached to the Packing Slip, and shall accompany each shipment. Articles will not be received into Snowline’s system, and payment cannot be provided to Supplier unless a COC is provided.

Quality Note-2 Source Inspection:

Items specified on the face of this Purchase Order require inspection by Snowline Quality Assurance and/or Government representative/s prior to packaging and shipment from the manufacturing facility. Notification of materials pending completion and availability for source inspection will be made not less than seventy-two (72) hours in advance to Snowline.

The selection of materials for source inspection may be random sampling by Snowline representative or 100% of the lot, at representative’s discretion. Supplier shall provide all necessary facilities, equipment, documentation and personnel required to perform this inspection at no additional cost to Snowline. Records of processing, process control, conformance verification, and other evidence of quality system operation may be required.

Objective evidence of Snowline or government source inspection must accompany each shipment of material. When the requirements of Quality Note-2 are waived, it shall be at Snowline’s discretion and written authorization of such waiver must accompany each shipment. Acceptance of material shall be accomplished at Snowline’s facility unless otherwise specified in writing. Evidence of inspection at Supplier’s facility does not constitute acceptance, and transfer of ownership of the material shall be specified by the Purchase Order. 

Quality Note-3 Special Processes or Processing:

Special Processes or Processing, which may be, but not limited to; welding, brazing, heat treating, metal forming, surface preparation, film or plating applications, non-destructive testing, approval of processing equipment, procedures of personnel, must be performed by NADCAP approved sources, Or be approved by Snowline, prior to initiation of any task required in the completion of this Purchase Order.

Supplier is responsible for obtaining such approvals for his and all his supplier’s processes as required by this Quality Note and the Purchase Order. The COC must specify the processes, the specification and revision to which they conform, the name of the agency which performed them (if other than the Supplier) and contain the name and title of the authorized representative signing the form. When Items provided or treated by Supplier are serialized, the Serial Number shall appear on the COC.

Quality Note-4 Test Reports:

When required by this Purchase Order, Supplier will provide various reports with each shipment. These reports shall be identifiable to the materials submitted and shall contain objective evidence of conformance with the specifications imposed by this Purchase Order. The reports shall include the name, title, and signature of Supplier’s Authorized Representative. 

Quality Note-4 A Chemical and Physical Test(s):

These reports must contain the Specification, Lot, Roll, Batch, or Serial Numbers applicable to the material submitted. They shall also delineate the specific requirement(s), test methods and results obtained.

Quality Note-4B Dimensional Inspection Report Attributes:

These reports must contain the date and results of the dimensional measurement(s) of the material or items submitted. The report shall state the Part Number, description of the dimension and the attribute results of the measurement in a format acceptable to Snowline. Supplier shall maintain evidence of the inspections performed which may include a list of the tool(s) or equipment used to obtain the measurement and their calibration dates and status.

Quality Note-4C Characteristics of Inspection Reports FAI:

These reports must contain the date and actual measurement results of the measurements of the characteristics of the items submitted. The reports must state the Part and Revision Number, Serial or identification number(s) and description of the requirement and actual results of the measurement. Supplier shall maintain evidence of the inspections performed which will include a list of the tools or jigs used to obtain the results, and their calibration dates and status. Reports requested for First Article Inspection shall comply with requirements and format of AS9102.

Quality Note-4D Test Specimens:

When required, test specimens must be provided by supplier (e.g. production method, number, storage conditions) for design approval, inspection, investigation or auditing.)

A. Quality Note-4E Counterfeit Parts Prevention and Control Plan:

Suppliers shall ensure through their processes and/or a formal program against the receipt of counterfeit parts/materials into their inventory, against their use in manufacturing, and against their being sold to other suppliers. Suppliers processes and/or formal program shall be similar to, and meet the intent of SAE AS6174, Counterfeit Material; Assuring Acquisition of Authentic and Conforming Material and/or AS5553, Counterfeit Electronic Parts; Avoidance, Detection, Mitigation, and Disposition. Counterfeit work – (a) For the purposes of this clause WORK consists of those parts delivered under this purchase order that are the lowest level of separately identifiable items (e.g., articles, components, goods, and assemblies). “Counterfeit Work” means Work that is or contains items misrepresented as having been designed and/or produced under an approved system or other acceptable method. The term also includes approved Work that has reached a design life limit or has been damaged beyond possible repair, but is altered and misrepresented as acceptable. (b) Supplier shall not deliver Counterfeit Work under this purchase order. (c) Supplier shall only purchase products to be delivered or incorporated as Work directly from the Original Component Manufacturer (OCM)/Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), or through an OCM/OEM authorized distributor chain. Work shall not be acquired from independent distributors or brokers unless approved in advance in writing. (d) Supplier shall immediately notify the Company with the pertinent facts if supplier becomes aware or suspects that it has furnished Counterfeit Work. When requested, supplier shall provide OCM/OEM documentation that authenticates traceability of the affected items to the applicable OCM/OEM. (e) This clause applies in addition to any quality provision, specification, statement of work or other provision included in this purchase order addressing the authenticity of Work. To the extent such provisions conflict with this clause, this clause prevails. (f) Supplier shall include paragraphs (a) through (e) and this paragraph (f) of this clause or equivalent provisions in lower tier subcontracts for the delivery of items that will be included in or furnished as work to the Company.

Knowingly supplying material deemed or suspected as counterfeit will be considered unethical business practice and would result in a supplier investigation, reporting and possible removal from Snowline Engineering/ Snowline Aerospace approval suppliers listing. 

B. Quality Note-5A Approved Material Sources:

Material purchases made in support of end-item requirements of this Purchase Order must be made from Snowline approved material sources. Contact Snowline’s Purchasing Department or Quality Department for written approval prior to contract award. 

C. Quality Note-5B Snowline Approved Process Sources:

Subcontracted processing of end-item deliverable parts or material must be made from Snowline approved processing sources. Contact Snowline’s Purchasing Department or Quality Department for written approval prior to contract award.