Custom Aeronautical Prototypes: Key Considerations
Key Considerations in the Manufacturing of Custom Aeronautical Prototypes
There are a multitude of special considerations to keep in mind which will help ensure the success of your aeronautical prototypes.
The complexity within the modern world of industrial manufacturing demands prototyping services backed by the utmost quality, consistency, and engineering capability. This is especially true when it comes to aeronautical prototype manufacturing – a sector which aims to produce precision products that are reliable enough to take flight across the world or into space.
Some of the capabilities that set Snowline Aerospace above our competitors include our rapid prototyping services, our expertise in design for manufacturing and assembly (DFM / DFA), as well as our superior quality assurance program certified to AS9100D and ISO 9001:2015 standards.
Requirements for Successful Aeronautical Prototypes
Rapid Prototyping Capabilities
Rapid prototyping services streamline the development process of your aeronautical prototypes. It allows us to fabricate complex aerospace prototypes on an accelerated schedule directly from a CAD file. Your prototype is manufactured and tested, engineering and design modifications are performed seamlessly, then the next prototype iteration is created rapidly ready for retesting and refinement.
Our rapid aeronautical prototyping services enable Snowline to cut down your project timeline while cutting out many of the production costs associated with conventional prototype manufacturing.
Certified Quality, Consistency, and Efficiency
It’s important to partner with an aerospace prototype manufacturer who provides certified quality and precision – not merely a provider who is “compliant” with the necessary quality standards and regulations.
Snowline Aerospace is an AS9100D certified contract manufacturer specializing in precision aeronautical prototyping projects. Additionally, our company is ISO 9001:2015 certified, and offers superior AWS certified welding services.
Designed for Manufacturing (DFM)
Due to the high cost and complexity of aerospace prototyping, it’s important to ensure your products are engineered for efficient manufacturability. This requires expertise in design for manufacturing – integral to Snowline’s lean production practices.
Our engineering team provides extensive expertise in designing aerospace prototypes for more efficient manufacturability. Through our rapid prototyping processes, we assist you in determining how design features will affect cost once full-scale production is underway. We can then modify or draft new designs which facilitate a leaner and more cost-effective production process.
Designed for Assembly (DFA)
Likewise, it’s imperative that your aeronautical prototypes are designed around the parameters of efficient assembly operations. Given the precision and complexity of many aerospace products, the post-production assembly requirements are naturally going to be complex. With that in mind, our engineers strive to develop your products such that the assembly processes down the line are as simplified as possible.
Experience in Updating Legacy Products / Reverse Engineering
Adding to Snowline’s capabilities in design for manufacturing and assembly, we can redesign your legacy components to simplify the assembly process. This includes updating legacy designs for automated production. Our team can also reverse engineer your products and modify the designs to take advantage of more advanced modern manufacturing methods.
More than 65 Years of Precision Aerospace Prototyping Solutions
Snowline Aerospace has specialized in the development of innovative aeronautical projects since 1966. Located in Sacramento, California, our company is proud to be one of the West Coast region’s premier aerospace engineering providers with leading expertise in prototype manufacturing.